Feuille de style / Style sheet

Submissions are in English. All articles should include an abstract, plus a selection of keywords.

All visual documents should be copyright cleared (300 dpi minimum in TIFF, PDF or very high quality JPEG). Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not hold copyright and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgments are included in their article.

A signed, written permission should be forwarded for all interviews, specifying agreement for written publication.

Submissions should be sent via e-mail exclusively. Include in your accompanying message a note stating exactly the name and the version of the software used (preferably Word).

Style sheet

A cover page should be submitted with the article, providing the author’s name and postal address, telephone number, and electronic mail address.

Paragraphs must be indented.

Use footnotes only (not endnotes), with continuous numbering. In case of bibliographical notes, use the same rules as for the bibliography, except for the first name, which must come before the last name.

Short quotations must be included in the text, between inverted commas.

Quotations of more than c. forty words should be typed as an independent, indented paragraph, between inverted commas. Any suppression or personal addition must be indicated by: […] or [ ].

There must be a maximum of three levels of titles, as short as possible. Use scientific numbering (1, 1.1, 1.1.1)

A complete bibliography should be provided at the end of the article. Use the following:

• monographies:

Attali Jacques, Bruits. Essai sur l’économie politique de la musique, Paris,
        Fayard/PUF, 1977, 234 p.

• book chapters:

Best Beverly, “Over-the-counter-culture: Retheorizing Resistance in Popular Culture”, in Redhead, S.,  The Clubcultures Reader; Readings in Popular Culture Studies, Cambridge, Ma: Blackwell Publishers, 1997, p. 18-36.

• articles in a journal, magazine, etc.:

Bonniol Marie-Pierre, “Sonic Youth, du style au geste ou la prétention esthétique d’un groupe de rock”, Volume !, n° 12, juin 2002, p. 61-81.