Appel à publications / Call for papers

Call for monographs, single-author or multiple-author projects 

Profils américains online, a new online journal, will be launched shortly by the Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (P.U.L.M.) of the University Paul Valéry-Montpellier III.
Started as Profils américains in 1991 by Professors Michel Bandry, Yves Carlet and Paul Carmignani, the printed series of the journal published 21 multiple-author monographs on American writers.
(Further details are available at:

In 2010, Profils américains became a part of “Horizons Anglophones, a series of the Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée. Several monographs have been published since; others are at various stages of completion – Tim Burton, Frank O’Hara, Andrew Wyeth – reflecting our editorial board’s decision to open Profils américains to all fields of artistic creation across North America.
We welcome new suggestions for future volumes. These may be already-completed single-author or multiple-author monographic projects looking for a publishing venue or suggestions for future projects of this type.
Manuscripts and projects should be sent to for prompt examination by our editorial board.